Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sistem Ekonomi Islam: Sebuah Analisis Kontemporer ...

Yusuf Wibisono

There has been a considerable amount of writing in the last three decade on Islamic economic system. No consensus arises from the literature, however, such that the whole picture of Islamic economic system is still unclear. Consequently, sadly, misunderstanding was persistently occurred.
A possible explanation was various perspectives and methodologies offered by Islamic scholars to explain the Islamic economic system, leading to an undesirable outcome. In this perspective, this paper attempts to build a framework for the Islamic economic system that relies on three elements, namely foundation, pillar and roof.
The Foundation of system consists of free-interest financial system, zakat-based fiscal system and gold-based monetary system. The Pillar of system consist of private, public and waqf system of ownership, and market-based system of resource allocation but with strict government supervision. The Roof of system consists of moral, material and spiritual system of incentive, and maqashid-based system of objective. This approach makes up the comprehensive picture of Islamic economic system such that comparative analysis with other economic systems can be conducted easily.

JEL Classification: P10, P20, P40, P51
Keywords: economic systems, other economic systems, comparative analysis of economic systems, Islamic economic system

Full Paper:
Vol. 2, No. 1, Januari 2008/Muharram 1429, hal. 139 - 163.



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